Introduction to Hydrogen H2 gas
Hydrogen is the lightest element. This is the first chemical element of the periodic table. Its atomic number is 1 and the symbol is H.
Signs of hydrogen H
Signals of hydrogen H2
The visibility of hydrogen 1
The atomic weight or importance of hydrogen 1
Henry Cavendis , inventor of the hydrogen
(in 1766)
Melting point 14.01 K (-259.14 ° C, -434.45 ° F)
Boiling point 20.28 K (-252.87 ° C, -423.17 া F)
Density 0.08988 g / l (0 ° C, 101.325 kPa)
The nature of hydrogen H2 gas
The religion of hydrogen We can basically divide the religion of H2 into two parts.
1. Chemical properties of hydrogen and
2. Physical properties of hydrogen
1. Chemical properties of hydrogen:
A) With Oxygen: A mixture of oxygen and hydrogen gas ignites an explosion and H2 gas burns with a bluish flame and produces water. O2 + 2H2 = 2H2O
B) Hydrogen gas is combustible but does not help in combustion. Holding a gas jug full of H2 gas upside down and inserting a burning jute stick into it, it can be seen that the jute stick was extinguished and H2 gas started burning by itself.
C) H2 gas is a toxic substance, which produces metals byoxidizing heated metal oxides. By heating the black CuO and passing H2 gas over it, the black CuO is degraded and produces red metallic copper. CuO + H2 = Cu + 2H2O
D) With metals: Heated sodium, potassium or calcium are hydrogenated with metals to form hydride compounds. 2Na + H2 = 2NaH
E) With chlorine: Hydrogen-chloride gas is produced by mixing chlorine gas with hydrogen and keeping it in light. H2 + Cl2 = 2HCl
F) With nitrogen: Ammonia gas is produced by the reaction of nitrogen and H2 gas when iron is used as a catalyst at a pressure of 200 C at a temperature of 500 C. N2 + 3H2 = 2NH3